Risk Management
ENYYSA and CDYSL is committed to creating a safe environment free from abuse of any kind. At US Soccer’s December 4th Board meeting, it was announced that every official member of all clubs/ league is expected to complete SafeSport. In addition, as per ENYYSA, it is required that all officall club and league members complete a background check and Heads Up Concussion Awareness.
All adults over the age of 18, as coaches, managers and players, who appear on a roster in CDYSL MUST complete risk management through their GotSport account. All adults named on rosters must complete these requirements. If a coach, manager or player 18 years or older does not complete risk management, he/she will not be added to the team roster.
Risk Management encomposes three components. In addition to the background check and Concussion Awareness Training Certification, the Abuse Prevention Systems Sexual Abuse Awareness Training must be cmpleted before participating in CDYSL and ENYSSA programs. All three components must be completed in order for a coach, manager to be put on a roster.
To complete RISK MANAGEMENT, please log into your GotSport account to complete your Risk Management requirements.